1st Annual Volunteers In Medicine 5K Beach Run and 2 Mile Fun Walk

Volunteers In Medicine

O F   C A P E    M A Y   C O U N T Y

Neighbors caring for neighbors


June 2012


Dear Friends:


Plans are well underway for the 1st Annual Volunteers In Medicine 5K Beach Run and 2 Mile Fun Walk being held on Sunday, July 29, 2012 in the Wildwoods.  The excitement is mounting as this run will be different than most since we will be running the 5K along the beach in Wildwood and North Wildwood.


Volunteers in Medicine provides free primary care to residents and workers in Cape May County who have no access to healthcare and needed medications.  Since opening in 2002, due to the outstanding community support from concerned individuals, families, businesses, organizations, municipalities, churches and county government, VIM has been able to serve more than 3600 patients with over 22,000 clinic visits. Our patient requests for services this past year far exceeded our projections attesting to the fact that the need in Cape May County continues to be significant.


I am asking for your help in making this inaugural event a success through sponsorship opportunities.  Sponsorship shows your support of Volunteers in Medicine and is a great way to “get noticed” by our area residents, businesses and visitors.  The first 150 people to register will receive a t-shirt and with your name prominently displayed on the back of each shirt showing your support of Volunteers in Medicine of Cape May County.


In addition, we will list your company in all public relations materials leading up to the race and on VIM’s website.  You will also receive recognition on the day of the race and we invite you to join us at the race so we can publicly thank you.


Please review the sponsorship opportunities on the attached sheet and select the one that will best suit your company’s support.  Sponsorships are limited, so don’t miss out on this opportunity.


The Board of Trustees, the staff and the wonderful corps of health care and support staff volunteers are committed to making sure that the Cape May County community is a shining example of “neighbors caring for neighbors” and we thank you for considering  a sponsorship to our 1st VIM 5K Event.  Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions.




Joann DelVescio

Development Director


VIM Board of Trustees:  Sandra Gott, Chair,  Douglas Burke, Esq., Joanne Carrocino, FACHE,

Judith Coche, PhD,  Barry Cohen, Esq., Rita Marie Fulginiti, Micki Goldberg, Ronald Goldstein, DMD, Cynthia Harrison, RN, BSN, MBA, CCM, Rev. Joan Jackson,  Patty Nesbitt, Violet Rixey,

Noreen Sisko, RN, MSN, PhD, Marilyn Sweeney, RN, CRRN, MHA, Karin Wren


Volunteers In Medicine 5K Beach Run and 2 Mile Fun Walk

Sponsorship Opportunities



$1000 – Event Sponsor

  • Primary display as Event Sponsor with name and logo on banner
  • Top billing as Event Sponsor with name and logo on front & back of complimentary race  t-shirt
  • Primary display as Event Sponsor with name and logo on all advertising and public relations

$500 – Gold Sponsor

  • Prominent display as Gold Sponsor with name and logo on all advertising
  • Prominent display as Gold Sponsor with name and logo on complimentary race t-shirt

$300 – Silver Sponsor

  • Displayed as Silver Sponsor with name and logo on all advertising
  • Displayed as Silver Sponsor with name and logo on back of complimentary race t-shirt

$100 – Bronze Sponsor

  • Displayed as Bronze Sponsor with name in all advertising
  • Displayed as Bronze Sponsor with name on back of complimentary race t-shirt

Food Sponsor

  • Donate food for race and receive public recognition at Awards Ceremony








———————————Detach here and send to address below————————


Business Name __________________________________________________________


Contact Name _______________________________Phone ______________________


Address _______________________________________________________________


E-mail Address __________________________________________________________


Please check one:

____________I wish to be the EVENT SPOSNOR ($1000) j-peg of logo required

___________ _I wish to be a GOLD SPONSOR ($500) j-peg of logo required

_____________I wish to be a SILVER SPONSOR ($300)  j-peg of logo required

_____________I wish to be a BRONZE SPONSOR ($100)

_____________I wish to be a FOOD SPONSOR- Please be specific below:




Please make checks payable and mail to:

Volunteers In Medicine

423 Route 9 North

Cape May Court House, NJ 08210

Attn:Joann DelVescio


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