2022 Fall Classic Car Show Info and FAQ

2022 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

Q. What are the dates for the Fall 2022 show?

A. September 22rd to the 25th, 2022

Q. Is the Fall 2022 classic car show on the Boardwalk?

A. Unfortunately NO, due to ongoing structure issues and beyond the hosts control they are NOT permitted to use the boardwalk until repairs are made (might be a few years), so the show will be held on PACIFIC AVE along with some things in the convention center. (See the details on the page)

Q. Where on Pacific Ave will the cars be parked, will there be room, and will the road be closed?

A. It will start around 26th street and head towards Rio. The show is permitted to use as much of Pacific that is needed (from 26th street to Rio). Pacific Ave will be CLOSED down in the show area during the show.

Q. When on Pacific Ave will the cars be displayed?

A. Starting 8:00am to 9:30am the Downtown Wildwood Pacific Avenue Classic Car Show Participants will report to their assigned street block AND WAIT UNTIL SHOW STAFF DIRECT THEM ONTO PACIFIC AVENUE. Do not move barricades or park yourself on Pacific Avenue. All participants MUST follow ALL instructions given by show staff. All participants must remain in their place until 3:00pm. So for spectators 10AM to 3PM

Q. What makes, models, and years is the Fall 2022 show open to?

A. Any make or model as long as it is 25 years old or older for the Downtown Pacific Avenue display. There is no age restriction for the Wildwood Convention Center but your vehicle needs to be approved for the display.

Q. Will there be trailer parking for participants?

A. There will be trailer parking for the event. If you need trailer parking, please ask the staff at registration check-in. They will direct you to the lot in which you can park your trailer for the duration of the weekend

Q. How do I register for the show?

A. Online registration is available (https://jsmproductionsllc.regfox.com/fall-downtown…). A mail in form can be printed from our page and sent in along with payment (mail in registration MUST be in the mail by September 15th) – Online registration will close at 11:59pm on 9/18/2022

Q. Can I register the day(s) of the show? (aka – walk in registration )

A. Walk in registration will be limited, JSM can only fit so many cars so pending the amount that PRE-REGISTER ONLINE that is to be determined. However yes, walk in registration will be open for the times listed to pick up and register if they can. People are definitely better off pre-registering. JSM cannot guarantee that by later Friday or by Saturday morning that there will be any availability.

Q. How do I contact the official hosts?

A. JSM Productions: by phone, call or text: (609) 778-7887, email: jsmproductions21@gmail.com, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jsmproductionsllc21 . All their contact info is on our page as well.

Q. Does it cost anything to attend the show as a spectator?

A. NO, spectators are FREE

Q. With the show not being on the boardwalk and it being on Pacific Ave, will there be public restrooms?

A. Yes, The public restrooms in Byrne Plaza will be open for use by the show participants and spectators. Additional port-a-potties have been placed along the show route as well.

Q. Is the show rain or shine?

A. The show will happen as long as there is no life threatening weather, so yes rain or shine.

Q. Where can spectators park? Or where is suggested parking closer to Pacific Ave.?

A. at this time anywhere you can park legally, if we get a better answer we will update this

Q. Is there a car cruise planned?

A. Thursday the 22nd there is a MEET the Rio Grande Fire Hall starting at 5:00pm until 9:00pm. All show participants and the general public are invited to cruise out to The Rio Grande Volunteer Fire Station where the firefighters will be providing burgers and hot dogs and other light refreshments, while DJ Chris Nagle plays all your favorite tunes. Participants may make a donation to the firehouse if they wish. NOTE: this is an unofficial cruise out, meaning it’s just a meet at the fire hall, however if groups want to meet up and cruise out together that fine, but it’s NOT police led and ALL traffic laws must be followed.

Q. Where and how will the vehicles load and offload Pacific Ave.?

A. Instructions will be given at check in

Q. Where and when is registration available? When can I pick up my registration packet?

A. 9/22/2022: 12:00pm – 9:00pm – Downtown Wildwood Pacific Avenue Classic Car Show Participants can check-in at registration at the Imperial 500 Motel in Wildwood Crest. All participants must check-in to receive their credentials before they can participate in the street displays on Friday and Saturday. Please be sure to review the materials in your registration packet, including a two-part raffle ticket for the Saturday night raffle during the evening entertainment hours at the Wildwoods Convention Center. Block assignments will be done on a first come, first serve basis.

9/23/2022: 7:30am – 7:30pm – Registration check-in will be open at the Imperial 500 Motel. All Downtown Wildwood Pacific Avenue Classic Car Show Participants must check-in to receive their credentials before participating in the street display. Please be sure to review all the materials in your registration packet, including a two-part raffle ticket for the Saturday night raffle during the evening entertainment hours at the Wildwoods Convention Center. Block assignments will be done on a first come first serve basis.

9/24/2022: 7:30am – 9:30am – Registration check-in will be open at the Imperial 500 Motel. All Downtown Wildwood Pacific Avenue Classic Car Show Participants must check-in to receive their credentials before participating in the street display. Block assignments will be done on a first come first serve basis

Q. Where is the info for the things happening in or at the Wildwood Convention Center?

A. Refer to the page there is an entire post about it. For the spectators:

Both Friday and Saturday:

9:00am – 5:00pm – The Wildwoods Convention Center will be open and FREE to the PUBLIC where the Ocean Invitational Display will be occurring along with the Car Corral vehicles and vendors.

Info from the Unofficial Wildwood NJ Fall Classic Car Show Facebook Page.

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