Morey’s Piers Wildwood, NJ Ferris Wheel Photo Day 74
This photo I shot from the Wildwood,NJ Beach this tonight about 6:30 pm. This is the Ferris Wheel Photo for Day 74. Follow me as I take a photo of the Wildwood Ferris Wheel every…
This photo I shot from the Wildwood,NJ Beach this tonight about 6:30 pm. This is the Ferris Wheel Photo for Day 74. Follow me as I take a photo of the Wildwood Ferris Wheel every…
Motocross races will take place on the Wildwood beach at Spicer Avenue. Racing is open to ATV’s and motorcycles. Daily pass is $15; weekend pass is $25; children under 3 are free. Practice sessions will…
This photo I shot from the Wildwood,NJ Beach this tonight about 7 pm. This is the Ferris Wheel Photo for Day 73. Follow me as I take a photo of the Wildwood Ferris Wheel every…
Competition for North Wildwood and West Wildwood residents. Prizes awarded. Registration forms available at North Wildwood Recreation Center and due by Friday, October 25th. Houses will be judged on Monday, October 28th. Winners will be…
List of Events for October in The Wildwoods 10/01/2013 – Jersey Shore Beach N Boat Season Long Fishing Tournament 10/01/2013 – 10/25/2013 -N. Wildwood Halloween House Decorating Contest 10/04/2013 – 10/06/2013-Race of Gentlemen’ Vintage Car…
An eighth mile drag race of pre-war (1920’s & 30’s) cars and motorcycles will compete at the water’s edge on the Wildwoods beach at Spicer Avenue. Friday features a pre-party including a car and bike…
The Greater Wildwood Chamber of Commerce will host a FREE street fair from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Atlantic Avenue between Wildwood and Schellenger Avenues in Wildwood. The festival will feature live music, crafters,…
This photo I shot from the Wildwood,NJ Beach this morning about 6 am. This is the Ferris Wheel Photo for Day 63. Follow me as I take a photo of the Wildwood Ferris Wheel every…
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