Back to the Boards: artBOX, Dorothy, and Gigi
The last words in our new movie – ‘BOARDWALK II: Back to Wildwood’ – are “And in the sweet seashore spring, it all begins again.”
Photo Courtesy of Dorothy Kulisek
That’s the way I felt this afternoon: as if it was finally spring. That’s because I haven’t been on the Boardwalk in almost a month because I’ve been wearing this big, choochy black boot on my left foot. It goes almost to the knee and has five big Velcro straps keeping my Achilles tendon immobile to treat tendonitis. Dang, I never saw so much Velcro. In fact, when I asked my doc who invented Velcro he said he didn’t know the guy but knew the idea came from those little burrs you get stuck to you in the woods or in the dunes. Who would’ve thought?
Anyhow, I went back to the doc on Monday and he said I had to keep the bloody boot on for at least another week, and have to go to physical therapy three times a week for a month, but that I could ride my bike without it. Oh, yeah!
So off I went today and had a very good ride people-wise, first running into my movie and blog partner Tony Deutsch in front of Splash Zone where he’s doing some computer and surveillance work. Andy Weiner’s Splash Zone gang is feverishly getting ready to open their big new almost $2 million wave machine called Flow House.
Then when I got to Morey’s Adventure Pier, and behold they were lowering the capstone artBOX box into place and covering the whole deal was my newspaper idol and one of my favorite people, Dorothy Kulisek, who showed me the latest issue of the Ocean city Sun, which is the sister to her Wildwood Sun, the best people paper in the state. Dorothy always makes my day and this was no exception, and we were chatting away while Jack Morey and Jack Wright of Exit Zero oversaw the placing of the lime green artBOX container. Hats off to these guys for giving local artists and musicians a venue. They might end up calling it Hippie Pier, because the whole artBOX movement started in San Francisco and uses big old twenty and thirty-foot shipping containers to house artists and their works. Jack Morey said they want to feature “whimsical” art and stressed that “we’re not Stone Harbor,” which is great because Stone Harbor is the seashore capital of Bad Art.
The Moreys and Jack Wright will be putting out a paper this summer for Wildwood like Jack’s fabulously successful Exit Zero in Cape May. Good luck, guys, with both artBOX and the paper.
I left the artBOX opening and only went a little way south when I ran into Gigi himself, Mr. Tramcar cruising in his yellow Gigi-mobile. He was already tan and raring to go. My man!
So it was good to get back on the Boards.