The producers of the show Jersey Shore talked to the City of Wildwood’s Chief of Police and confirmed that the Jersey Shore show is not coming to Wildwood. The chief spoke to the mayor this morning and updated him on the latest conversation he had with the people from the show. So as of right now there is no truth that the show is coming here now or in the future. We think the whole thing is a hoax!
Official Statement coming via PRESS RELEASE from GWTIDA:
While The Wildwoods, NJ embraces the opportunity to provide a beautiful seaside beach and Boardwalk location for filmmakers, TV shows and social media to film here, it does not welcome the message that the MTV show ‘Jersey Shore’ presents to its viewers. The Wildwoods family-friendly atmosphere, beautiful award-winning beaches, Boardwalk fun and Doo Wop ambience does not align with the show’s overall theme and message. Our resort destination is geared toward good clean fun for families and multi-generational vacationers who enjoy our beaches, boardwalk and one-of-a-kind attractions. The Greater Wildwoods Tourism Improvement and Development Authority, on behalf of the Island’s three municipal governments, the Greater Wildwood Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Wildwood Hotel-Motel Association, the Wildwood Downtown Business Improvement District and the Boardwalk Special Improvement District are united in their opposition of the filming of MTV’s The Jersey Shore in the Wildwoods.