Fall in The Wildwoods is my favorite time of the year.

So it’s been a while since I wrote a post for the blog. It was a busy summer, no time to really enjoy the beach and boardwalk like more visitors do.

A worker on the Sea Serpent on Mariners Landing

A worker on the Sea Serpent on Mariners Landing

I enjoy fall, with cooler weather and flashing traffic lights that bring back my childhood in Wildwood. I remember riding my moped from 21st st to Forget-me-not and Pacific to visit my good fiend Katie and hang out and watch the Gong show when I was a sophomore at Wildwood Cathloic.Then I would ride my moped in the cold all bundled up back home through dark quiet empty streets with flashing traffic lights then up to the boardwalk home to 21st and NY.

Soon winter will set in and I can light the fireplace and catch up on finishing my office and working on the house in Wildwood. I recently starting playing my keyboards again, it something I really enjoy but never take time to do.

This coming year will be 40 years since I meet my wife on Mariners Landing in the summer of 1977. I don’t plan surprise parties but I am going to plan something special for her just for putting up with me for all these years! LOL

Stay tuned!