Following the Governor’s announcement of earlier today, we are excited to welcome families back onto the piers again
when we reopen on July 2 nd .
Morey’s has been crafting summer fun for over 50 years and while events of this year have certainly reshaped the way we
work, live and value family all the more, our long-standing commitment to safety, service, and fun has not waivered.
We are working hard to redefine family fun this summer and are further expanding our commitment to safety and
cleanliness starting with our Safe Play Promise. As modeled after Morey Resorts Safe Stay Promise, these strengthened
procedures are designed to give our guests even greater confidence in visiting our facilities and to give our staff the
protection they need during these times.
Upon reviewing operating guidance from the State of New Jersey, we will be releasing additional information pertaining to
our Safe Play Promise, hours of operation, and operating procedures. This information will be available on our website. For
a list of what is currently open and hours of operation please visit
As you expect, we will be operating under new “normal for now” guidelines and standards, therefore, a visit to the piers will
be different this summer. Even so, our team is working diligently to prepare our facilities with a strong line-up of rides and
attractions for the remainder of the 2020 season. Please know, when we welcome guests back on the piers on July 2nd,
we’ll look to make it full of the family fun and cherished memories that come with a visit to Morey’s Piers.
Lastly, we acknowledge our dedicated staff and loyal guests who have helped us weather this storm and remain so
committed to Morey’s Piers. We thank them all for their continued trust and look forward to opening “Safely Together” on
July 2 nd .
For media inquiries please contact:
Maggie Warner Wisniewski
Public Relations Manager