NEW Boardwalk Attraction for 2013 – Redneck Revenge Shooting Gallery with Live Targets at Cedar and The Boardwalk

The Duck Dynasty has nothing on this new attraction for 2013 on the Wildwood Boardwalk, that’s right folks the Rednecks are here!!

Redneck Revenge Shooting Gallery NEW for 2013!

Gary and Sissy Rutkowski from Shooters Old Time Photos are the force behind this new attraction and it is located directly across the boardwalk from Splash Zone’s 2013 New Attraction, Flow House a new state of the art wave pool.  Redneck Revenge’s planned opening is the first week of May.

Redneck Revenge Shooting Gallery will have LIVE targets and be open all summer every day till late night, rumors has it that the guys from Duck Dynasty might make a surprise visit, so stop and see them when your on the Wildwood Boardwalk at Cedar Ave and the boards behind Harry Corner!!