The 2022 North Wildwood Beach Replenishment has started. The North Wildwood beach replenishment project has become an annual event this time of the year. What happens is trucks haul about 300,000 cubic yards of sand from the Wildwood beaches to the North Wildwood beaches daily for months, then they pile it up on the North Wildwood beach like in the photo below and wait until spring to spread put the sand and fill in the beach. The beach will be ready for the Memorial Day Weekend as it always is!
New Jersey Shore Protection Study
Hereford Inlet to Cape May Inlet
Final Feasibility Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment
New Jersey Shore Protection Study
Final Feasibility Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment
The feasibility study evaluated various alternative plans to provide hurricane and storm damage
reduction benefits. The study area is vulnerable to storm erosion, wave, and inundation damage
produced by hurricanes and northeasters. It has also experienced a period of excessive beach
growth that is causing problems with municipal drainage and safety. Severe storms in recent
years have continued to erode the beaches and have exposed communities to the potential for
catastrophic coastal erosion and flooding.
The Hereford Inlet to Cape May Inlet Study Area is unique to other projects in the New Jersey
Shore Protection Study. It has two distinct problems; erosion at the northern portion of the
island and the accretion of sand at the southern portion of the island. The northern portion of the
island has experienced erosion over the past 10 years that has exposed property to storm damage.
The southern portion of the project area is accreting sand rapidly. This accretion is clogging
municipal outfalls that drain storm water from the interior portions of the island to the sea. Our
investigations have evaluated adjusting this beach to address both the erosion and accretion