Our Readers: RVs on Beach A Totally Bad Idea

By Boardwalk Bob Ingram

Remember when local merchants put soap suds and detergents in the ocean to clean it up during an epidemic of medical waste on the sea? Very dumb idea, no? Futile, really.

If you listen to the reaction of our Blog and Facebook readers, the city fathers idea of letting RVs park on the beach by the bocce court is right up there with the soap suds when it comes to misguided moves. The last time I looked – minutes ago – there were almost 40 responses to our Facebook (Wildwood Boardwalk Tramcar) report and photo of those weird stakes, and not one of them was in favor of it. Oh, one said wait and see. Excuse me.

Readers voiced environmental concerns, aesthetic reasons, and plain common sense. Hope the city fathers check out the post on our Facebook page at “Wildwood Boardwalk Tramcar“. A beach is a terrible thing to waste


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