“Riders On The Storm” Video Growing

In 3 short weeks our “Riders on the Storm” video has now been viewed close to 500 times and in 23 countries. We’re also gaining momentum with the amount of LIKES, COMMENTS and SHARING – and we’ve been humbled by many complementary emails from folks we don’t even know.


That all being said, many of our friends tell us they have not had the time to watch the video. Please take a moment today and click below to watch our “Riders on the Storm” video.

Tell us what you think about the song and/or video by hitting the LIKE button and leaving a COMMENT at YouTube… And, please share our song & video with your friends that may not be familiar with our music. Your opinion is the one we really want!



Live At Cookies – 6/30/2012

So our recording activities have greatly cut into our live performing schedule for the fiscal year 2012. Well, we just had to get “out there” again and share some new music with our best friends in the whole USA. The entire version of The Heavy MeNtal Gypsys will curtail there solo projects and convene at COOKIES BAR on June 30, 2012 to play a full set of songs that are sure to get you dancing, whooping and acting much younger than your purported advanced age – Get here and we’ll do the rest!

Saturday June 30, 2012
2026 S. 3rd Street
Philadelphia PA 19148

Tony has invited you to call him to discuss the set list