Before I start let me tell you a little about mt qualifications. I am a Microsoft Certified Tech with certificates in A+ (computer repairs) Net+ ( internet and wireless) MCITP (Microsoft IT professional). MMC (Microsoft Multimedia Communications)
I will run a series of FREE tips and tricks for your business Facebook and Social Media a few times a week.
Poor quality images or no image at all.
Never ever post without a image. People like to look at and share images which leads to more people seeing your post and liking your fan/business page. Take current images to engage more fans and likes.
Never post poorly formatted and pixellated photos, First of all, there’s no excuse for poor quality images in today’s online world. Take your time and find better quality images. Grabbing images off Google goes into a whole new world of attribution and copyright. Yes, we all do it and share images that aren’t ours.
I will post more mistakes in the coming days.
So come back and visit soon and get more FREE Social Media tips and tricks.