The Oceanic Motel and the Barefoot Bar located directly across from the Wildwood Convention Center, beach and boardwalk. Unobstructed views of the beach and boards is what makes this famous Wildwood hotel such an Icon at the shore. The motel portion boasts 70 units consisting of efficiency units up to 2 bedroom units. 30 units have kitchens. There are two bars on the property, one is a swim up bar, the only one on the island. This outside bar features plenty of patio space as well as a bandshell for entertainment. The inside bar boasts plenty of seating as well as food service and also plenty of room for entertainment. This sale includes a Broad C liquor license as well as additional 120×100 parking lot on Burke Avenue for bus parking, etc. Income and expense information available to qualified buyers and non-disclosure statement. Owner is a licensed New Jersey Real Estate Broker.
See the listing here> Wildwood Property For Sale: 4600 Ocean, Wildwood, NJ 08260 | Sea Shore Team