Hello everyone! My name is Zach Marion. I’m 19 years old, and currently enrolled in the business school at the University of Delaware. I’m a full time summer resident in North Wildwood, and originally from Mullica Hill South Jersey. When I was 17, I joined the Wildwood Crest beach patrol. I met so many amazing people, and learned a lot about myself and the island as a whole. This summer I resigned from the Patrol, and instead pursued my new business venture, ShorelineWasteSolution. SWS is a curb to curb trash and recycling service designed to help weekend residents, property owners, and whomever is done dealing with their trash stress! My service is simple. We come to your property the night before your trash or recycling day and take the cans to the curb. We then come back once the trash/recycling has been collected and bring the cans back to your property. Completely out of your hands! We do both trash and recycling days for just $160, the remainder of the summer! (July- September 4th).
I started this service in May, and we are proudly servicing 100+ properties across the Jersey Shore. Our services are located in North Wildwood, Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, Stone Harbor, Avalon, and Cape May. I am extremely grateful, and excited for the long future of this business, and reaching our goal to help as many residents as possible. If you or anyone you know is interested in my service this summer, or next summer (May 27th – September 4th), please reach me at Phone #: 609-970-7095 or Email: Zachmarion04@gmail.com. I hope you decide to join us, and get rid of your smelly trash stress for good!