An energy assistance event that is being held next Tuesday at the Greater Wildwood Chamber. Atlantic City Electric, South Jersey Gas, PRAC of Southern NJ, PosiGen, and many other partners are going to be on hand for the day. Everyone will have an information table and be there to help lower the gas and electric bills.
There is currently a grant available to individuals and families that make up to 400% of the FPL. This is NOT just a program for low income. The grant is for 200$ towards your Atlantic City Electric bill. It is a one page application. In order for people to apply, they need to bring their ID, their last 4 weeks of income or an awards letter from Social Security or Unemployment for all working members of the household that are over 18 and working. Social Security Cards for household. If they are zero income they can sign a form onsite and a copy of the most recent Gas and Electric Bill. We do not want to see anyone shut off during the cold winter months when help is available.