The Boardwalk Blog has had 2,997,631 visitors to date. So, anyday now we will reach 3 million visitors, that’s about 3 thousand people a day that visit the site.
I visit disney and it’s a great place, I also visit NY City and cities in Maryland, Florida, Las Vegas, Chicago and Texas but Widwood is like no other place on earth!
We have what my partner Bob Ingram calls 2 miles of magic, the Wildwood Boardwalk. Do you think other cities have private run blogs that have millions of visitors?
The fans of The Boardwalk Blog and The Wildwoods are unique in the fact that peoples childhood memories were made here and they continue to be drawn to this magical place.
We want to thanks everyone for following us these past 4 years. We wil continue to bring you news, photos, videos and stories from your favorite place on earth, he island of The Wildwoods.