The City of Wildwood honored the Russo Family today with Joe Russo Ave

You can now drive down Joe Russo Ave next time your in Wildwood, NJ. Today Mayor Ernie Troiano along with Commissioners Pete Byron and Tony Leonetti honored the Russo family and named the street where the famous Wildwood landmark Russo’s Bar and Restaurant operated for over 50 years.


Today at the reunion was the announcement of:

The Joseph Russo Memorial Reunion Scholarship Fund.

If you live in Wildwood, then you most likely knew Joe Russo.I can’t imagine anyone loving this town more. He was born and raised next door to the Gingham Club which would later become Russos’s Restaurant, that he would eventually run with his sisters for over 50 years. A graduate from Wildwood high School, Joe was a lifelong supporter of the school’s athletic programs. Our goal is to pay tribute to a man who was loved by all through an athletic scholarship in his name to be awarded annually to a deserving athlete at his beloved Alma mater WHS

Thank you very much, The Russo Family

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