Due to circumstances, the Survivors of Cancer, Inc. the 15th Annual Summer Fundraiser will be held at a new location.
Thanks to both Joe Spuhler and the Lerro Family for coming to the rescue.
The new venue will be at the Bolero Resort at Atlantic & Oak Ave. It is a beautiful facility with air conditioning and many seats and tables.
Thanks to both Joe Spuhler and the Lerro Family for coming to the rescue.
The new venue will be at the Bolero Resort at Atlantic & Oak Ave. It is a beautiful facility with air conditioning and many seats and tables.

Everything else will remain the same. The same great baskets for our Chinese auction, a new version of the Cancer Bracelet great food and best of all, Jerry Boyle as our MC with an awesome line up of entertainment.
This is going to be a fantastic event and we need you to help us make this something to remember.
We wish to extend a sincere and big THANK You to all the other facilities who were willing to come to our aid. We will not forget your generosity.